20 Minutes to a Better You:
How to Squeeze Exercise into a Busy Schedule
If you want to look better, feel better, live longer, and greatly reduce your chances of disease or limited mobility, all you need to do is exercise more. Sounds easy, right? Regular exercise has been proven to help people lose weight and tone up, improve mental clarity and outlook, reduce depression, increase sex drive, be more productive, and stave off a variety of negative health conditions.
This isn’t news, really; we all know exercise is important, but for the vast majority of Americans, we are still getting way less than we should. The Center for Disease Control reports that over 80% of Americans aren’t getting anywhere near enough daily exercise. The CDC recommends that you get 2.5 hours of moderate exercise or 1.5 hours of vigorous exercise a week. That’s just twenty minutes a day, which really doesn’t seem like much when you consider that the CDC also reports that Americans spend an average of 5 hours a day watching TV.
It sounds so easy! So why don’t we exercise? Many people feel overwhelmed with their lives as they are, and the thought of adding in something extra just feels like too much. Especially for busy professionals, who often give a lot of time and energy to their job, exercise just feels like a luxury that we don't have the time and energy for. We’ve become accustomed to thinking of television or hanging out with friends as ways to recover from work, a way to unwind. Exercise? It just sounds like more work, and who’s got time for that, especially after a long hard day.
It’s obvious that we need to start thinking about exercise differently. In the normal 24 hour grind of a workday, it might seem like working out is the most disposable thing on your to-do list, but over the course of a lifetime, not prioritizing exercise will lead to huge health problems, low energy, and a less vibrant you. It might feel worth it when the choices are a trip to the gym or that tempting pint of ice cream and binging on Netflix, but trust us- it’s not worth it! You owe yourself all the the benefits that exercise brings.
For busy working professionals, the secret might be folding exercise into easy-to-manage bites that fit into any kind of busy schedule. Bonus: most of these you can do without really changing your life too much. Remember, the goal is just 20 minutes a day, and that can be cumulative! So yes, that five minute walk to the coffee shop around the corner counts! Start looking at the places you spend lots of time, and figure out how to hack them for a series of short, can-do exercises over the course of a day! You’ll be up to 20 minutes (or way over!) in no time.
Four Easy Ways to Hit 20 minutes:
Once you start looking for ways to exercise, you’ll be surprised how easily and painlessly you can hit that twenty minute mark! You’ve got everything to gain, and nothing to lose!
